When I reached home from work, I was surprised to see that 1) the house was not wrecked, 2) Hat is still in the store room after 12 hours and 3) Max poo again.
I let Hat out so that he could have a leg stretch and leak. Spencer sulked on the kitchen table, while Max ate, drank, sat outside for ages and kicked the orange soccer around with great gusto. We played chase for a while.
Apparently Max's ex-owner asked about him, to see if he is alright. Considering the fact that she put Max in the pet hotel for ONE year, and was going to put him down because Max "could not get along with her new dog", I say her sympathy is somewhat ridiculous. She was told that Max is very happy and active now, and if she is thinking of wanting him back, she can go eat s**t.
Hat came back at 10.30pm. I heard his bell, and looked out. He was sitting on the corridor, and called at me when he saw me. Back to the store room he went, with biscuits, water and toys. Spencer went to sleep on the wardrobe, and Max conked out next to the water bowl finally.

What nerve some people have! Max is looking very happy & obviously loved now. I love him & I've never even met him.
Sometimes I like animals more than people!
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