RD: " This cat very good."
Me: " Yeah, he is quiet."
RD: " Hey did you see a new cat the other day? A very horrible looking one...."
Me: " Huh, got meh?"
RD: " Got! Head very big, the skin like no fur like that, aiyoh very horrible looking....."
Me: " oh that one.....that one Persian lah, skin problem, so have to shave fur."
Hat was laughing so hard he jumped out from my grip and ran home.
RD: " Har skin problem ah, allergy, can cure or not?"
Me: " Can, that why must shave loh."
Max: " Kanasai, I so horrible looking meh...."
No lah, Max. You look good with the Lion cut. ;)
hahahaha...wat u expect from a racoon !
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