Spencer's diet is not going so well. I weighed out 50g of biscuits for her in the morning. Inevitably, she would finish most of it by the time I reach home, and I would have to add in more to last her through the night.
Last night when I came back, I was surprised to see about 25g left in her bowl. I thought Spencer had finally gotten used to eating less. And I praised her. She rolled on the floor, stretched, and proceeded to suck up all the biscuits! Gaah!
Sister S said I should weigh out 40g in the morning and 10g at night, or 25g-25g. I guess I have to give it a try!
that is what i have done for bujang. he gets 20 g at night , 10 gm in the pm and 10 gms to be shared amg 3 cats at about 6 am. actually they all get the same amt. give and take they all get abt 50g as they eat from each others bowl in the pm. but then i also give them some canned fd everyday. maybe that's why they are fat. T is 4.5 and akira abt the same. bujang of course is 6.33kg. :(
i hope it works better with spenser.
Oh, only 50g of dry food for Spencer's size, no wonder he will meow for more food. My foster Jackie is almost 5kg and supposed to get about 60-70g, according to the dry food package (a lower fat and high fibre, complete & balanced dry food). I give her wet food and reduce the dry food - seems to work in maintaining her weight so far.
jia you, spencer!
Spencer is already 8kg, and she can't afford to gain any more weight. She is on Iams Light now, and one can of wet food ( 90g )a day. I have cut out all the treats. I guess I will just have to perservere loh. No pain, no gain woh. Just have to get some more ear plugs....
Wow. And she still screaming. Must be a big hearty eater. :)) can go on one of those food eating contests and sure to win tails down. :)
The amigos share one can of wet food. Everyone gets 1/3 more or less. :))
Max sucks up his food even faster than Spencer! But then he need his nutrition. Sigh. This is an uphill task.
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