Spencer had been such a Diva, since Max left. She talked very loudly, talked a lot, demanded fresh dinner, then demanded to go out even after I had locked up. When I refused, she kicked the plastic buckets to make a huge noise. I finally opened the door, she didn't even stay out. She went back into the room, hugged the fan and fell asleep. Then she wanted to poo, but she didn't want to do it when I was awake.
I heard her throwing up in the morning, in my room this time. The litter bins were in a mess.
Then it was the usual breakfast song at 8am. And she wanted biscuits this time. When the scratch board was not placed properly for her to use, she screamed again.
It was not such a bad thing when Max is here. A least, everything was QUIET.

Perhaps Spencer just misses Max and is seeking extra attention as a result. She probably just needs to feel like she is wanted, and this is the only way she knows how.
I don't think she misses Max, but I agree she is asking for extra attention. When Max was around, she hid herself, so Max and I had more interactions.
Spencer's backview looks slimmer...or was it an illusion caused by the camera?
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