Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mera progress report

I was tired so I tried to sleep. Spencer saw me taking out her sleep box and she jumped in immediately. She slept from 7 to 10pm. I read. Mera was napping.

Had dinner. Gave Mera some biscuits and water.

Mera wanted out, and since the rain had stopped, I leashed him up. He didn't go far tonight, just resting on the pavement, looking and sniffing. I carried him home after 30 minutes, and he protested loudly. I left him sitting at the door for a bit longer.

He was trying to escape, so I put him back into the room. Spencer's turn to go out and take some air. Then Spencer decided she wanted to sleep after all.

Mera kicking up a fuss.

I woke up. Spencer was on the sofa, Mera on the floor, plotting another escape. Posted by Picasa


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