Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mera's progress report:

8.15am Kindly Nieghbour's husband told me don't be stupid, we had better go to the vet today. So she appeared at 8.45am, while I was hand feeding Max , and we trooped off. I had explained to both Spencer and Max that they would be home alone today. Mera meowed all the way, inside the van. Kindly Neighbour saw Yb, and called him 小老虎 ( Little Tiger ).

9am Reached vet, but they won't be opened until 9.30am!! The staff told me she would try to squeeze me in at 10am. I told her that was too late, so she asked me to come back pronto at 9.30am. I left Mera at the vet, and we went to have some bites.

9.50am Saw the vet, and showed him all the injuries and explained to him the whole story. He had an intern with him at that time, from University of Sydney. I asked for blood tests and X-ray, and that Mera be warded until I can pick him up on Friday, because of my schedules and that Max is staying with me. The vet will put Mera under GA, for the X-ray, cleaning of wounds and teeth scaling. He will call me later today. I paid for $180 for the treatment and $70 for deposit. Kindly Neighbour it was quite cheap already, compared to the $400 we spent on Mera many years ago at the A&E, when he was poisoned by bleach. The vet and the staffs kept asking me who did Mera fight with. Aiyoh, how I know woh?

10am Uncle dropped me at the nearest bus stop, he wanted to buy toto. Maybe Mera's bill had given him some inspiration. Kindly neighbour said she will help me to pick up Mera tomorrow, if he is able to be discharged.

11.30am Vet called. Blood tests OK, liver and kidney functions OK. Will proceed with GA at 3pm.

4.15pm Vet called. Had cleaned the wounds. Ulcer on the left lip. The wound on the buttock is BAD. Very deep, with bruising. It was definitely NOT caused by cat fights. Luckily the nerves are not damaged. If not, Mera will lose the function of his hind legs. The X-ray only showed a small fracture, which might be inflicted at the same time, but can't explain why Mera feels tenderness when we touch his back. The right paw does not have any wounds, so we are not sure why it swells, and why Mera is limping. He will have to wear a cone until the wound heals. Actually he is well enough to go home tonight, but I told him Kindly Neighbour will pick him up tomorrow.

Of course I was devastated when I heard that the wound was not caused by catfight. And of course the vet won't know WHAT caused it. CSI is only for television. He said it was either abuse *shudder*. Or accident. He felt that it was the later, because if it was abuse, the wounds wold have been much WORSE *shudder x 2* He could just be saying that to comfort me.

I left work at 5pm to go to the training. I really can't concentrate at work anyway. And I was sleepy.

I passed the keys to Kindly Neighbour when I reached home, so she can help me cage Mera tomorrow. I had explained to Spencer and Max, and I hope they will be nice to Mera, at least for the next one week.

Then we will decide Mera's future. Posted by Picasa


At 11:57 pm, Blogger san said...

Woah! Poor Mera! I am glad his blood work and kidneys are ok. He is having such a bad time.I really hope it is not abuse. AIYOHHHH!!!he is truly fortunate to have you and kindly neighbour to help him.

At 12:28 am, Blogger Eternal Sunshine said...

Dont tell me you want to chain that cat up! I only know of dogs guarding the door but never a cat.

At 9:53 am, Blogger auntie p said...

Ahh...hope it's not abuse. Thank goodness, Mera is in your good hands. And you have very nice neighbours hor. I have many neighbours who drives but none are into caring for community cats, as far as I know...too bad.

At 5:01 pm, Blogger kuro.shiro.neko said...

i think too it's not abuse cos abuse would and could be much worse.

get well soon mera!!


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