After the bath....I am sure he feels much better too.
The weather is warm today, so it is laundry day. Bedsheets plus tonnes of cat towels. Max's towels were all stained with his ear and eye gunks, luckily they can be removed after pre-soaking with Vanish.
Then it was the cats' turn to bath. I used a soft sponge to scrub Max, to try to get the stains out. I was almost tempted to use Vanish on him! After that Max was supposed to have a herbal bath, for his oily skin. Unfortunately, the herb packet broke midway, and the water was full of herbal bits and pieces. So Max had to be rinsed again. It was terribly wet and messy. Hat had his bath too, he hated it, as usual. Spencer was exempted today, I just gave her a good brush, to get rid of the dead fur.
After that it was cleaning the house proper, and by the time I finished, it was already 2pm. Max had eaten plenty of biscuits, drank gallons of water and terrorised Mayo through the nettings. He slept on the sofa, Hat in the store room, and Spencer on the top shelf.
It was more humid in the afternoon, may rain later in the evening.

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