Spencer screamed the house down at 6.30am, because HER BOWL WAS EMPTY. I had to stumbled out of bed to give her some food, before the neighbour complained. After that, I overslept. Spencer herself was sleepy, and was sitting in her basket pointedly. I moved her basket into the store room, and she went in immediately, not even bothering to see me off to work. Cheh.
Now plan C, maybe I put out 40g of biscuits at night and 10g during the day. At least if she screams, we won't be home to hear it.
The weather was better today, so all the cats were out this morning. Mera ate some biscuits, Auntycat ate a little of the tuna, Hat skipped breakfast because he didn't like the menu, and BH2 ate double, his own and everyone else's leftovers.
I tried to clean Hat's ear. Still dirty. Sigh. He polished off his dinner. No sign of Mera. Hopefully he is already upstairs. He had been loitering in the rain for the past few nights.

I kind of suspect that cats will only scream for food when there's people in the house to hear it. :)
Anyway, tips on cat dieting that I've come across:
- one says feed 100% wet food to give them the sense of fullness; it worked for her cats (not sure what the poo will be like).
- the cat behaviourist book mentioned one case where an unsatisfied cat was given Romaine lettuce to add bulk to the diet - it worked for that particular cat which seemed to enjoy the vege.
Thank you auntie P. I think you are right in saying that cats only scream for our ears! We tried to add vege to Spencer's diet, when she was a kitten. She hated it. But it was chye sim we had given her, so I guess lettuce is a better option. As for 100% wet food, bad for her teeth, no?
Well, lettuce has a bland taste, definitely not as bitter as chye sim. I read somewhere on the net which says there's no conclusive evidence that eating solely wet food will increase chances of tooth decay, so maybe no harm if it's just for short-term dieting.
I would be concerned about some wet food not having complete nutrients for cats e.g. taurine, which are incorporated into dry food, and those "complete & balanced" wet food tend to be expensive. The other concern would be soft poo (more messy and stain the cat's backside) and more smelly poo from eating too much wet food. But it's up to each individual's level of acceptance. :)
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