Friday, January 12, 2007

The rain had finally subsided. It is drizzling now. I still feel very tired.

I did try to rest. But there were 6 Indian kids playing at the playground, in the rain, screaming and throwing chairs around. They are at least 15 years old. They were noisy from 2.30pm to 4.30pm!! Most probably playing truants, as they were all in uniforms. I hope they get pneumonia and die painfully.

Max didn't sleep a wink. He just keeps asking for biscuits. Spencer is sleeping in her padded hut, the weather finally cold enough for her. And Mera has been sleeping on the bed since 11am. I checked on him many times. Sometimes he was asleep, sometimes he was awake. He doesn't like me to look at his buttock. Spencer was a bit miffed that Mera had taken her bed, she whimpered a bit, but I think she understands Mera is unwell.

I managed to clean up the house a bit, and fed Hat at 4pm. Poor Hat, he hasn't has a bite since last night. This morning he emerged from under the neighbour's flower pots, expecting breakfast. The calico is sleeping with her kittens at the power station, no breakkie for them today either. Posted by Picasa


At 5:36 pm, Blogger auntie p said...

Oh, cat aunty, pls don't say such things about the kids...they are kids, after all. Pls don't, for your own well-being (according to my philosophical/religious beliefs). I mean well and wish you well. :)


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