Saturday, March 17, 2007

Mera came at 10am, and meowed very loudly to get my attention. Both he and Spencer had mackerel, which they both enjoyed. Then Mera sat on the footstool to groom himself, and left when I whipped out the camera.
He went out and bumped into Hat, so it was a mad chase on the corridor.
Hat came up with me later, and had a plate of fish. Then he went to hide in the laundry basket in the other room, and when I found him, he hid under the kitchen table.
I was cleaning the house, and found one more pool of cat pee behind the sofa. Sigh. I washed the cattent to be on the safe side, and the sofa cover, curtains and bedsheets. I wanted to throw away some of the old boxes under the bed. Spencer saw me, and jumped into all of them, to let me know she still wants them. She does love her boxes.
Mera came again at 12pm, and ate some biscuits. Seeing that I was at home, he left.


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