7.30am Spencer cried for breakfast. When I refused to budge, she chewed my elbow. She made an WOW sound, after she took the first bite. The she pee-ed, and screamed because no one woke up to clean after her.
8am the same kid at the opposite block screamed again for 30 minutes, still refusing to go to school. Pity their neighbours...I think I will leave them a nasty note.
8.15am Hat appeared, ate leftover biscuits and wet food, then hid under the sofa cover and ambushed Spencer.
Spencer was so upset she went to sit in her litter bin.
This is an old photo, Auntycat is a lot slimmer now, after her missing episode. Yesterday she came upstairs, and I asked her to eat in front of our house. Spencer was staring at her, and Auntycat was all spiky with all the new smells around her. However, Spencer left her to eat in peace, and Auntycat left promptly after she had her fill.

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