The calico already recognises my keys, and ran towards me asking for food. Funnily enough, her tail was always bushy and upright. I think it was because Hat and BH2 were milling about, and she isn't too friendly with them. But I noticed that the toms gave in to her. Mera had his treats, and Auntycat approached, asking fro biscuits. Mera wanted to beat her, but thought better of it, so Auntycat got what she wanted. Hat ate in the house, and is napping now.
I saw that Auntycat had lost her bells again, and her collar was at least 2 years old, so I thought of changing it for her. Unfortunately, she wasn't too cooperative, and was screaming her head off at the garden. The Malay nenek thought I was torturing her cat, and shouted at me from her corridor. I brought Auntycat back to her house, and told her that I was just changing the collar and bell. She went on and on about how Auntycat was lost for two weeks and had come back on her own her children were distraught etc etc etc. Well, I understand that she is old, and may not have recognised me from before, when I had offered to neuter her cats for her, and had given her free cat food. But then, if she cares about Auntycat so much, she shouldn't have let the cat roam from 6am to 10pm everyday!! And not feeding her!!

Blessing to you for taking care of the cats and worrying over them!
Purrs and headbonks
Patches Lady
Maybe she is just forgetful and senile already. Or she just doesn't have anyone to talk to in the house :)) This is a nice pic of Mera and the trees. It looks like a nice quiet place and mera also looks quite restful here.
Thanks! Patches Lady and San. I was a bit cheesed off initially, but then I thought I would have done the same thing under this circumstances. Plus she is old. Maybe she just has a different idea of how to care for a cat.
Mera likes that spot in the garden. It allows him to see what is going on around the blocks.
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