This is an long overdue post.
It was my dad's 70th birthday on the 23rd September 2007.
He loves his dogs. His neighbours in the Malaysian town think he spends too much on the dogs' vet bills, but he never agrees with them. He takes care of stray dogs which come his way. He swears by coconut juice, to cure all ailments.
He loves period drama serials from China. So much so that when I walk into the video shop, the shop assistants will show me only those box sets.
He loves exercises. After all these years, he still wakes up at 5am to climb the mountains, any mountain. He wears off one pair of NewBalance a year.
He loves traditional cuisine: hokkien
mee, the stickier the better;
fuchou meatballs; pig trotters in soya sauce; curry, not the nyoya or rendang type; thick
Hainan coffee, which he doctors with dark chocolate cubes;
assam fish; nasi lemak.
He has a sweet tooth. And he eats all kinds of sweet, rich, fried, spicy, sour stuffs without putting on an ounce of excess fats.
When he travels, he packs light and takes care of his fellow travellers. When he is in a strange city, he just wanders off on his own, making friends along the way. More often than not, he would call up one of his acquaintances from 19xx time, and touch base.
He loves to watch the news on TV. On top of getting them off the internet and newspapers. But he doesn't want Astro *scratch head*

Happy 70th birthday, dad!! Sorry the candles were a bit burnt down, because we were fiddling with the self timer on the camera........
We hope you had a great time.
Thank you for providing me with an education, passing down your genes of work ethics, compassion towards animals, and addiction to news programmes. Thank you for providing me with an enviroment which allowed me to read.
And mum outdone herself again:
stir fried capsicums ( three colors ), with cashew and ginkgo nuts
stir fried prawns with dessicated coconuts and curry leaves
red eggs
pork spare ribs with fruit ( orange, apples ) sauce
braised chinese cabbage in chicken stock with Vietnamese scallops
fried egg noodles
chicken curry ( !!! )
duck soup with salted vegetables and tomatoes ( ham choi gap )
blackforest cake-store bought