This site is dedicated to the cats that have choosen to share their lives with me, and the mischiefs they manage to get into everyday. But I still love them!
Friday, June 30, 2006

A frustrating day today. Some stuffs happened at work, and it pissed me off real badly. I lost my temper. I can't think of any other ways to put my points across. Some people just don't get it when you tell them things nicely.
Maybe it was an accumulation of frustrations.
Maybe it was just me, 火气大.
Maybe it was the thought that Brazil may just become World Cup champion, again.
Spencer is guarding the toilet again. I think she knows Sister S is on her way.
Hat had dinner, and wanted to attack Spencer. I let him bash up his monkey instead.

Spencer woke me at 7.15am, but she only wanted biscuits. Hat didn't dare to come in, just sitting outside. He got grease all over his face and body again.
After breakfast, Hat played on the carpet again, even trying to mock attack Spencer. Spencer snarled at him, and I took him away before a real fight started.
I saw the uncle feeding the calico and BH2 before I went down. Maybe I should speak to him, to work out some kind of roster, so we don't feed the cats twice. No signs of Mera or Auntycat. Strange.
Since Sister S is coming back, Hat cannot sleep in the other room anymore. I made another bed for him next to the shoe cabinet. It is smaller and not as airy, but it is against the wall and under the window. He is sleeping there now.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

BH2, on one of the mornings I woke up to watch the World Cup.
Auntycat was very hungry tonight. There is a stench in the house. I am not sure it comes from outside or there is a dead rat in the house.
After dinner, Spencer went to guard the toilet again. Hat had his dinner and left.
Sister S is on her way home, from USA, with a jumbo sized scratch board for Spencer.

Felt dizzy when I woke up this morning, and my legs were so tired!
And Spencer didn't do her breakfast song today. And she didn't show when I woke up. I found her guarding the toilet at the other room. Against what, I do not know.
Hat was here last night, sleeping sleeping when I went to bed, so maybe they had a fight again.
After breakfast, Hat played with the carpet, and followed me downstairs to feed the others. BH2 was sound asleep still. His voice is still croaky.
I gave Mera some catnip to play with. He had a good scratch on the mat.
Max is not dropping by this weekend afterall. The cyclosporin is not working, and he has diarrhoea with blood.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

In memory of Tiffy.
I can't bring myself to repeat what had happened to her, without feeling sad, angry, heavy hearted and murderous. Please go to and read her story.
Whatever we say or do will not bring Tiffy back. I only hope it won't happen to anyone of us, or to any of our cats. And I KNOW the perosn concerned will get his just retribution, in THIS life!!
Rest in peace, Tiffy. Play and frolic among angels, never have to feel pain and hunger again. You are too good for this world.

France 3 Spain 1 big surprise. Brazil 3 Ghana 0 not so big surprise.
I woke up at 4.30am to catch the last half of the game. France did well, keeping cool under pressure, and diving by Spain. Barthez did some heroic saves. Henry didn't score, but the last goal by Zidane was pure French flair. The French coach Domenech looks like a mathematics professor, but he must have some talents, to make this bunch of ageing, arrogant French work hard for their country.
Apparently theUkraine coach Blohkin hid in the dressing room during the penalty shoot out, couldn't bear to watch.
Spencer is getting used to my routine now, not making a noise while the TV flickers.
I fed her at 5am, but she started to scream again at 7.30am, biting and chewing me. There was still food in her bowl. Hat came in for a quick breakfast, and was chased out by Spencer.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Madame Pompadour vs the Spanish Infanta.....

An aging le bleu vs the vibrant Spanish young guns at 3am tomorrow morning. I think France will not advance anymore this year. Thierry Henry cannot play the game alone. Zidane kicked down a stadium door when he was substituted during the Korea game. Maybe he should have used that energy on the pitch instead.
As for Brazil vs Ghana at 11pm, it is anybody's game. Ghana is a dark, dark horse in this tournament, miracles do happen.
Ukraine finally wore down the Swiss at the penalty shoot out 3-0. Ukraine had many scoring opportunities, but Scvchenko The Assassin was not shooting so straight this morning. He cannot afford to make the same mistakes when they meet Italy on the 1st July.
I think I will have an early night tonight. Spencer and Hat are napping.

Spencer likes this spot between the rooms. I think it is cool and sheltered, she can see movements from all sides, and run under the beds if situation arises. She sleeps there when I watch soccer, so she feels she has fulfiled her duty as a pet to keep me company, and yet the noises will not disturb her.

No wonder he looked green at the gills, he was so sick during the Ecuador match, he vomitted on the pitch. I thought he just sprained a muscle. And that Eriksson was so engrossed in his own world that he didn't even realise his captain was ill.
Now the English bookmaker is predicting a 5-1 odds that Beckham will vomit again; 9-1 odds that he will score from a free kick against Portugal; 500-1 that England will be the 2006 World Cup champion, and Beckham to vomit on the trophy.

Basically it is a map of various streets in Tokyo,where you can find stray cats. The cats seemed to be well fed, well taken care of, and given shelters.
The illustrations inside are very well done, rich in details and humour.

Gus Hiddink did a great job with Korea in 2002, and he did a great job with the Socceroos in 2006. He may not have the midas touch vs Luis Felipe Scolari, but he taught his players to be mentally tough, to be fit, and to continue trying, until the last whistle. His palyers love and respect him.
All the best with Russia, Gus!

All I can say is, see you again in South Africa, Socceroos!! I hope I don't have to wait for another 36 years!
Kewell didn't start, Totti didn't start, but Del Piero did, possibly his last tour for Italy. Australia managed to contain Italy for most parts of the game, and Italy got a red card. The referee let the game flow, and there wasn't too many "simulations" from the Italians. They used to be the King of Dive, after the Brazilians and Argentinians. The Australian defenders did a good job, but the Italian goalkeeper Buffon was even better. Australian strikers did not have the finishing to score, and didn't really take too many chances. Italians tried to score too, but the Australia defense was strong.
Then Totti came on.
Just when we thought we were going into extra time with a 0-0, the referee awarded a penalty kick to Italy, under dubious circumstances. The Austalian defender didn't tackle him outright, he actually slided onto the ground, then the Italian tripped over.
Totti, the Prince of Rome, took the penalty kick, and it was a goal, at the 95th minute.
Really tough luck for the Australians, after coming so far. I am just disgusted with the way the game ended. I wouldn't mind so much if it was lost through a genuine, brillant goal from the Azzuris.
Cruel fate.

I went to bed at 9pm and woke up again at 10.30pm to watch the match between Italy and Australia. Spencer slept on, until 12mn, when she woke up suddenly and talked very loudly.
BH2 came afterwards, and snarled at Spencer again. Then he rolled on the ground and yawned. Spencer sat at the door and talked to him.

Monday, June 26, 2006

I sprinkled some catnip on the scratch mat for Mera. He took a few sniffs and scratched at it. The neighbour was nasty to him. I think he was on the staircase, and the woman stamped her foot at him, and shooed at him. I heard Mera's bell. And when I opened the door, he ran towards me. I didn't confront the woman, just looked at her to show that I knew she has been rude to my cat.
I put a carpet in front of the store room for Spencer to sleep on, and she can keep me company at the same time when I watch TV.

I was up at 3am watching soccer. Spencer came out to sit with me. Just before 5am, Spencer became alert, and stared at the door. I opened the door and found BH2 eating biscuits outside. He saw us and started to roll on the floor, showing his tummy.
He came forward and sat next to the gate, watching us watching TV. Spencer sat beside the shoe cabinet and they chatted. But when Spencer went near him, he growled. Spencer just made chirrupping noises.