This site is dedicated to the cats that have choosen to share their lives with me, and the mischiefs they manage to get into everyday. But I still love them!
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sister P informed me that the West Coast Eagles had won back the AFL Grand Final crown, after 12 years, by 1 point, against the Sydney Swans.
It was a rematch of last year final, which WCE lost by 4 points.
Revenge is sweet.
The current WCE coach John Worsfold is my senior in the university. He had also captained the WCE to grand final glory in 1992 and 1994.
Well done, boys!!

We finally have rain, and the heat and haze are slightly bearable now.
Went out for tonkatsu lunch with Sister S and Sister J. Yum yum!
Then I popped by to the AVA RoadShow at Ngee Ann Civic Plaza. Bless the volunteers for helping out and explaining their respective missions to the public, on a weekend too. Hope there will be more people trooping in when the rain stops. I bought stuffs from CWS, Noah's Ark and ASDS. HRSS has the cutest T-shirts.
When I reached home, Spencer was sleeping in her cubby box, after this morning's grumpiness.
And Mera was sleeping on MY bed!

Fell asleep at 10.30pm.
Woken up at 12mn by loud rap music at the playground. Mad. Stomped downstairs with a big stick to ask the kids to lower the volume. Same Malay kids with bikes. They left 30 minutes later.
Woken up at 5.30am by same kids talking and laughing at the playground. Fed Spencer. Going downstairs with a big stick again. The kids saw me and quietened down.
Woken up at 7am by Malay adults talking at the playground. Gave up.
Woke at 8am.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Mera came at 8.15am, and went into the cat tent. I brought out some particularly pungent wet food, and he finally came out.
The calico was sleeping with crooked head among the bushes. I wonder where are her kittens.
I checked BH2 ears. They are very dirty, but I really couldn't tell if it is ear mites. The gunk is less that what Hat had, when he had that ear infection 6 months ago. I am just thinking how to clean BH2's ears without being clawed and bitten.
Hat has tummy problem. I saw him eating grass.

Didn't sleep very well.
Colleague called me at 11pm and complained to me about problems with a specific staff. Then the in-charge asked me how to deal with this same staff. Sigh. I felt really annoyed and frustrated. I am ging back to work on Sunday, and I am feeling kinda phobia about it all.
Sister J said I should remain neutral and pretend I don't know anything.
Spencer was in an anti social mood last night too. She grumbled when I was studying in the air-con room, and she grumbled when I moved outside. She went into her tent, she slept at the kitchen entrance, she sat outside. Finally at 1.30am, she was too tired so she slept on my bed.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Today is Sister P's birthday.
She is staying in Perth, with hubby and 2 kids.
It has not been easy for her, staying in Perth, working, bringing up kids, while all of us are here. She has done a brilliant job so far.
JD and Chloe, you both are two very lucky kids!
Happy Birthday, Sister P!!
Have a happy day!!

The vet called me at 12pm, to tell me YellowBoy was ready for collection. I went to the et at 3pm, just in case YellowBoy was not awake yet. He actually looked very alert and normal. if not for the tipped ear, one really can't tell he had gone through sedation earlier. The vet didn't charge me for the tipping, bless his heart, just for consultation and sedation.
I let YellowBoy rest in the cage, he meowed for food. I gave him some wet food with juice, and he ate that slowly, until the bowl was clean. Then he napped a bit, until Hat dropped by. Hat was being friendly, but YellowBoy wanted none of that, growling and hissing.
I released him at 5pm, seeing that he is really OK. He actually walked into the carrier willingly. He yowled at Hat before leaving the house, and Mera jumped up with a start from his snooze.
YellowBoy was a bit dazed at first, and tried to follow me. I saw him napping behind the pillar at 7pm.

Upon examination, the vet revealed that YellowBoy had been neutered before. I wasn't that surprised actually, because I had the same suspicion myself. His *ahem* balls are very small. But why did the person neuter him then abandon him??
I asked the vet to tip the ear, and he asked me if my town council will not cull cats with tipped ears. I really do not know about that. I understand that Yellowboy needs to be sedated again for this procedure, and I made the decision to go ahead with the tipping, just on the safe side.
The vet told me YellowBoy is about 2 to 3 years old, just as I thought, based on his size and behaviour.
Because YellowBoy had just eaten, the vet could only do the tipping the next day, If not, I could have picked him up in the evening. Oh, well.
He actually has very faint tabby markings on his body. Like a bleached Mera.

This is YellowBoy. I brought him to the vet for neutering.
I put him in the carrier in the morning, and he put up some resistance. But he was calm overall. I transferred him to the cage, and he was more interested in the tuna. He was very quiet, so quiet that even Spencer and Hat didn't realised he was there.
When I came back again, Yellowboy was resting. He had finished the food, and had used the newpapers to cover the bowl. Huh. He meowed when he saw me. I thought he wanted to poo, so I slotted in a litter bin. Nothing. He didn't stop until I gave him more biscuits. He ate lots of biscuits actually.
He was one cool cat, not grumbling or afraid like BH2 or the calico or even Spencer. He even managed to groom and nap.
When it was time to go to the vet, I brought out the carrier and called him " Oi!!" and he jumped up immediately, as if he understood. He ate more biscuits, for the road. I really had a feeling he had experienced this all before.

He saw the new cat tent and made a bee line for it. He sat inside, looking quite smug and comfortable. Even when eating, he won't come out from the tent completely. Spencer was rather miffed, but she didn't say anything.
Before Mera left, HE SPRAYED ON THE TENT!!
I screamed, he ran away, and I washed the tent quickly. I think there wasn't much smell on it now, because Spencer would have told me, if there is. Sister J said if Spencer rejects the tent, we just have to get a new one from IKEA, and give the urine one to Mera instead.
This morning, Mera came at 8.30am, and once again sat inside the tent.
I brought out food to lure him out, but Mera refused to budge.
Then Spencer started to eat the plate of food.
3 minutes later, Mera clambered out, looking upset and wanting to leave.
Spencer 1 Mera 0

I have bad news.
I am putting on weight.
I know I am no spring chicken, and my metabolic rate have slowed down vs before. And I had been careless with what I had for lunch.
So, action plan:
1) No more 梅菜扣肉, 烧肉饭, and anything with curry, choose proteins and greens instead
2) two litres of water per day
3) fruits after lunch instead of desserts
4) try not to eat after 9pm
5) take proteins for breakfasts
6) increase fibre intake
7) calcium-rich foods three times a day
8) try to wake up earlier to squeeze in 1km bike ride per day, more on rest days
9) alight 2 bus stops earlier and walk home
10) there is always Xenical

This is the white mooncake, or 云片糕 ( cloud slice cake ). When I saw the red chops, I was a bit alarmed because it looked like offerings. On closer inspection, it was just the name of the pastry shop.
Sister S and I had a taste test. It was sweet, rather refreshing, fine textured. It didn't stick to the palate like some brands do.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

OK, this was too weird.
I heard tomcats singing, and I was puzzled, because there shouldn't be any. I went out to have a look, and saw a big white cat with ginger markings, with long ginger tail and blue collar, sitting on the ROOF of the walkway! Kiki!! I tried to call him so I could look at his face better, and I was sure it was Kiki. He seemed very relaxed, and I really don't have any idea on how to get him down.
I went over the Kiki's house and pressed the doorbell. The owner's mother appeared, and following close behind was, KIKI!!! I was stumped, and explained to the aunty what had happened. The aunty wasn't angry, and I was relieved Kiki was safe.
But then who is this cat?
Is he stuck on the roof?
Or did he jump down from one of the higher floors? Hat and Miaomiao had done it before, and eventually they came down in their own time.
I tried to take a picture of this cat, but the camera just wouldn't work. I kept getting weird shards of lights.
*Twilight Zone music*
10 pm UPDATE: Sister S came back, and I told her about the cat. She went out to look, and saw no cat. She said I should go to bed.
11pm UPDATE: More yowling. Went down to walk around the neighbourhood. And finally saw the white cat cornering BH2 on the rooftop.
12mn UPDATE: Still yowling! Sounded like from the garden. Then it stopped suddenly. Then the baby two doors down started to scream. Faintz......

I have been passing by this old pastry shop on my way to and from work, for the last 2 years. They seem to be busy all the time, but they don't seem to be selling any normal pastries and cakes. I know they do lots of pink longevity buns. Today I finally decided to go in and have a look.
This being the Mid-Autumn season, the small, non air-con shop was packed to the roof ( literally )with baked mooncakes, all exposed. I took a peep, and there were several middle aged bakers toiling at the back, most likely making MORE mooncakes. The wall behind the cashier was stuck with 50 to 60pcs of handwritten order forms. The shop also sells traditional Teochew confectionery for weddings, Dragon Phoenix candles, offerings for prayers and diety birthdays, plus some other pastries which I wasn't sure of. I think they sell tau sar pia ( green bean pastries ) on normal days. I didn't have my camera with me, and I also felt a bit shy asking for permission.
In the end, I bought this slab of white mooncake, because it reminds me of the type which we used to eat when we were kids. The brand was of course different, but the packaging is identical. It cost $1.50, and the auntie was surprised that was all I was buying.
I may visit again, and will ask for permission to take some photos.